

Gratitude to the youth

In 2016 a great earthquake hit the region where I live.   A lot of young people came from across Japan to help rebuild my devasted area.  I know some of those young people.  They are kind and friendly.   Now in every district damaged by a natural disaster young people are found working hard for restoration.  I can’t thank them enough.  It seems to me that they chose their jobs in order to be of direct help to people in dire need and to people in areas with difficult problems.  I have the impression that more and more young people today are choosing their jobs out of the reasons mentioned just above rather than for social status, money, or fame.  I suppose this trend is here to stay.

I hope these young people lead the 21th century and make the world a better place.  Thinking about the new type of young people, I remembered a maxim: A true successful person is one who has done many things that make people happy and grateful for.