


The Paradox of Success

The following is the extract from The Paradox of Success by John R. O'neil. Though this book was published almost 30 years ago, it seems to me to be still thought-provoking and informative. The long-distance success sought by many is a har…


10日あまり前に書いた「エリートビジネスマンの目指す先」とも関連しますし、近年よく耳にする「ワークライフバランス」にも関係することを以下、『成功して不幸になる人びと』から引用します。これは The Paradox of Success という本の訳本です。この英語…

The Paradox of Choice

You might assume that more choice means better options and greater satisfaction. But this is not the case according to the book "The Paradox of Choice" by Barry Schwartz. The following is the exrtract from the book. When people have no cho…