

inborn inequality


I've long wondered why some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths while  others are born under adverse circumstances.  I couldn't fathom out the reasn for the inborn inequality.

Several years ago, I came across the following idea in a book, the title of which I can't remember now.


Those people born in a privileged environment need such blessed conditions in order to be hapy, on the other hand, those people born in a harsh environment are endowed with potentials to overcome the adverse environment, learn from it and be happy.


This view was really eye-opening to me.  I don't believe that it can give a perfect explanation to the inborn absurdity and  I'm afraid that this idea can upset people living under a terribly harsh circumstance and that they may say, "Such a high-sounding philosophy is never a consolation to us."  I would say the same thing if I were faced with severe realities.

However, when I feel down or eneasy I'm encouraged by that idea.