




A. Now aged over 60, I have wanted to start something new.  I'm afraid I've long repeated a few things, not having tried to learn new things.   I might have been an old fogey.  I am eager to break out of my cozy shell.  One is never too old to venture into a new field, make lots of mistakes and learn from them.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I hope starting this blog serves as a trigger.


B. Now in my sixties, I've been itching to embark on something fresh. Admittedly, I've fallen into the habit of sticking to what I know, perhaps becoming a bit set in my ways. It's high time I break out of my comfort zone. After all, age is no barrier to exploring unfamiliar territory, embracing the possibility of making mistakes, and growing from them. As the saying goes, you've got to take risks to reap rewards. Starting this blog, I hope, will be the catalyst I need to dive into this new chapter.


C. As someone in my sixties, I’ve been feeling the urge to try something new. I realize I’ve been stuck in my ways, avoiding learning anything different. Maybe I’ve been a bit of an old-fashioned person. But now, I’m excited to step out of my comfort zone. It’s never too late to explore a new area, even if it means making mistakes along the way. After all, without taking risks, we can’t expect any rewards. Starting this blog, I hope, will be the catalyst for change