

my first ride of the year

Today, April 1, with the sun shining bright and the warmth embracing the air, I seized the perfect opportunity to embark on my inaugural bike ride of the year. As I pedaled along, soaking in the sights and sounds of the season's awakening, I made a pit stop at a quaint little coffee shop for some refreshment.

While there, I struck up a delightful conversation with the owner. We found ourselves engrossed in chatter, venturing outside to admire the rural landscape shown below. Time seemed to slip away as we exchanged stories and shared laughter, basking in the simple pleasures of camaraderie and the beauty of the moment.


a gecko in the house

As I tidied my room on March 30, I made an unexpected discovery: a gecko nestled in the corner of my bookshelf. I pondered how and when it had entered. Armed with a stick, I attempted to coax it out, but it eluded my efforts, vanishing into thin air. This morning, I revisited the same corner of the bookshelf and there it was, concealed behind the glove compartment. Determined to relocate it, I fetched an empty bottle and skillfully guided the gecko inside, eventually releasing it outdoors. In Chinese culture, this creature is symbolically referred to as the “keeper of the house,” believed to bring good fortune. However, candidly speaking, I felt uneasy having it share my living space, so I am now relieved that it resides beyond my home’s walls. 


昨日(3月30日 )部屋を掃除していたら、本棚の隅にヤモリがいました。いつどこから入ってきたのやら。棒で外に出そうとしたら、どこかに消えて行きました。今朝、再び本棚の隅を見たら、小物入れの背後に隠れていました。空き瓶を持って来て、何とか瓶の中に入れて、家の外に出しました。
